Thursday, December 28, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Lucia Comp, Malmo.

Danijel left England straight into the annual Lucia comp in Malmo, check the footage here. Good Work Danny.
Photo by Jakob Fyledal.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Remember the 'Ogres' series of boards, well this kid will for the rest of his life.

I can't figure out whether I am pysched on this, or a little mystified. I fucking love tattoos, and take alot of inspiration from a lot of great tattoo artists, it always wierds me out when someone gets my work inked up.
He has even more stuff of mine around the side too.
Heavy stuff, The Harmony for life.

I can't figure out whether I am pysched on this, or a little mystified. I fucking love tattoos, and take alot of inspiration from a lot of great tattoo artists, it always wierds me out when someone gets my work inked up.
He has even more stuff of mine around the side too.
Heavy stuff, The Harmony for life.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Free shit hurts.
Cheers to Vic for the footy....rocking the skulls and one of the best impossible's I have seen in a long while.
Merry Christmas Victor.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Gift ideas....
Ever wondered what Eddie Belvedere wants for christmas?
( Other than to actually be in this documentary. )
( Other than to actually be in this documentary. )
Friday, December 15, 2006
Wulfstadt chronicles continues...
Getting up at 7 in the morning, fine, finding it raining and 3 degrees outside when you drove 160 miles to go and skate is definately not fine.
Irvine prescribes skatepark inspections followed by lots of tea.

Check out these two. Just on the Auf Wiedersehen side of the Village people.

Posted by Alex Irvine Esq.
Irvine prescribes skatepark inspections followed by lots of tea.

Check out these two. Just on the Auf Wiedersehen side of the Village people.

Posted by Alex Irvine Esq.
Rest in peace.

Ours and your favourite band, Uncle John and Whitelock ( featuring the epic stylings of our very own Jam Bolland ) have called it a day, try and get to there farewell gig on the 23rd, its bound to be galactic in terms of a rockabilly, horror country Christmas.
Please don't split for good boys. It's christmas.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Hirst must love me, he posts them, then I swoop in and nick em......

Tom Harrison on primo fire straight from the flames of the manchester demo, it must of been that brekkie I spotted you!
Big love, THH.

Tom Harrison on primo fire straight from the flames of the manchester demo, it must of been that brekkie I spotted you!
Big love, THH.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The Bigfoot Diaries....3rd and final part.

Well tour almost over..... Its been really nice to hook up with the Harmony crew again, cant wait for the next mission. Got some skating yetserday, good NYC spot hope the footy turns out good (Tnx Russletta for helping me film in the shitty rainy weather). I just setup a new board and actually my first pro board (super nervous but i think Dave was more nervous than me) took it for a roll outside Daves house and it feels .................. diffrent!!
But one more session and it will be the best board iv ever skated on.

Check him out! what the f**k am i wearing?? Anyway hope i see u al in near future....
Merry X mas and Happy new year to al my uk frends!!
One love
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Bigfoot Diaries....part 2.

DEMO TIME!!! We arrive at the skatepark and it looks amazing, It even got its own shop in it. Chris one of the owners showed us the "Team VIP Ballroom" where we put our stuff, it looked like a 5 star hotel/conferance room. Shuffle up n deal boys! would be siick to have a round of poker in there.

I got to say i love when demos turns into a big jam with everyone skating it, more relaxed n fun that way. The ditch was my favourite spot, and it seems like Dave liked it too. After gettin dizzy of all the carving around the ditch i checked out the miniramp session with Eddie, Grove, Tyreman and Woody witch was of the hook! wish i could ride trannys like these boys.

After the Jam we decided to do a Death match race in the ditch, It went crazy!!! people almost got killed in that race. I must say Eddie killed it but he almost died trying to drop in with a product box on top of his head, crazy!

Super fun to meet everyone again and hang out for a good skate session. Deffo not the last time i will roll by manchester for a skate mission.
keep up tha good work!
( Cheers Jim for the fotos )
Monday, December 11, 2006
The Bigfoot Diaries....

Flew in thursday night, the plane was fully loaded with drunk irish soccer addicts. Dave picked me up and we drove back to coleshester. Day 2 it raind almost the whole day. got dry around 4 hooked up with rossletta and went for a filming mission, mr Vezztaurante showed up and we got some stuff done. Day 3 Waiting for Adamovski modonovic to pick us up, late as usual!!! Begin the hell drive to manchester around 9.30 and it took frickin ages. 5 hours, 1 Big Mac meal, some stinkin candy and a few dr pepper later we arrive in manchester. Hell yeah!

Driving around town to find NOTE, called up Joe for directions about 10 times. When we got to the shop eddie turns up looking better than ever!!! steeze! minute after leeds finest Tom H walks into the shop, he made it to Manchester, ACE! We had a little video premiere on the new unabomber flick, super good! i like. after that we went for some full english breakfast, maby the 8-9th in my whole life. psycked! after that it was DEMO TIME!!! more of that will come up soon!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Ones and twos...
This month's Sidewalk Magazine see the light of our very own DJ Shit taste's ( Danny Jack ) 'Haunts'.

Check his wordings and other flicks in the mag but just check out the steez on the thoroughly rinsed lloyds 3. I tried to ollie them once, it was not at all pretty.
Look out for a full web section coming soon from Danny, as he has amassed enough for a few parts already. Cheers to Horsely and Leo too for the pictoral.

Check his wordings and other flicks in the mag but just check out the steez on the thoroughly rinsed lloyds 3. I tried to ollie them once, it was not at all pretty.
Look out for a full web section coming soon from Danny, as he has amassed enough for a few parts already. Cheers to Horsely and Leo too for the pictoral.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
When you fall in love....

Watch here as the full Story begins to unfold.
Also Story heads possibly in attendance Saturday night as well as Unabomber's Ben Grove and the little speccy powerhouse Ollie Tyreman, who apparently owns Manchester Central's park, if that proper tuck knee is anything to go by.
Lets get ready to rumble.
Silvestro the ever living....
Pauls on the progam working on his Doco interview, its been a long time coming but with working on his skate program for wee kiddies and stepping in too much dog shit, these things take time. I assure you it will all be worth the wait.

Going to be rocking a bit of a retrospective on here soon of Pauls epic climbs in the forest of British skateboarding....Check back soon.

Going to be rocking a bit of a retrospective on here soon of Pauls epic climbs in the forest of British skateboarding....Check back soon.
Hot dogging with Tom Fritz
Danijel aka 'Tommy Fritz' gets ready to rumble at the Leboxx show in Malmo, Sweden.

Check out some crazy Stefan Marx stuff plus a load of really top flight contributors over at the site. Nice work Nils and Pontus.

Check out some crazy Stefan Marx stuff plus a load of really top flight contributors over at the site. Nice work Nils and Pontus.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Promo time....

No printer, so I thought I would hand draw all the DVDs, anyway if you want to burn this Promo then go to your local Ham-army stockist and demand they give you there copy to distribute to all your imaginary mates.
If they say no, then offer to body pop to all of Madonna's 'True blue', that'll get you anything.
Hooded up and fatigued...

Wu reference linked right into the fact our very limited hoods are available in certain stores including Native.
Cheers for pic Scotty.
Demo Guests kip it off...

Turns out Joe is lame, as his ankles are bugging him, anyway he thought he better get some extra special guests for the Manchester demo.
Adam and I aren't really too sold on some of the choices, but Nadia seems okay.
Check out the trailer for Joe's next opus "Kip it off", kipping it ghetto for the 07.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Demo time fools....

As with all good skateboard crumpanies, its about time we did some demo's, and as the Swede is over we thought we would visit the only place in England with a remake of the lockwood benches.
So get your asses to Central Skatepark in Manchester this coming Saturday the 9th....and well get on down with our crew of street pirates plus a few very special guests.
( Tony Hawk's one of them, proof to follow. )
Friday, December 01, 2006
Transition Magazine

It's pretty easy to see the peeps that actually send me news, anyway Danijel rocks the bangers again for the Swedish based mag, Transition. Click on the above image to see the ride.
Big poppa coming through to a theatre near you.