The Bigfoot Diaries....part 2.

DEMO TIME!!! We arrive at the skatepark and it looks amazing, It even got its own shop in it. Chris one of the owners showed us the "Team VIP Ballroom" where we put our stuff, it looked like a 5 star hotel/conferance room. Shuffle up n deal boys! would be siick to have a round of poker in there.

I got to say i love when demos turns into a big jam with everyone skating it, more relaxed n fun that way. The ditch was my favourite spot, and it seems like Dave liked it too. After gettin dizzy of all the carving around the ditch i checked out the miniramp session with Eddie, Grove, Tyreman and Woody witch was of the hook! wish i could ride trannys like these boys.

After the Jam we decided to do a Death match race in the ditch, It went crazy!!! people almost got killed in that race. I must say Eddie killed it but he almost died trying to drop in with a product box on top of his head, crazy!

Super fun to meet everyone again and hang out for a good skate session. Deffo not the last time i will roll by manchester for a skate mission.
keep up tha good work!
( Cheers Jim for the fotos )
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