You know when you think posing for a photo is a good idea at the time? Anyway here's Danijel and Wieger having just helped me finish off painting a rad little quarter pipe for the launch of our Nike Collab shoe. It was a super good night. Real drunken shenanigans with a lot of bizarre peeps. The weekend followed pretty hard too, we avoided the bowlriders for as long as possible, skating new parks heralded by Pontus and crew, and also skated the wreckage of Steppenside, which is still better than most spots.

Sunday was the best day as we got to see the full original line up of Dinosaur Jr. for free. They came on, killed it for 45 mins and went without a word. Awesome. Best thing ever.

The Masters bowlriders was cool, Hosoi, Chris Miller and style maxer Pat Ngoho, but the prize went to Nicky Guererro who at 40 odd killed it more than most of the people in the Pro final. Enough said.
Thanks to everyone who hung out, chatted shit and generally made my trip really good. Special thanks to Danny, Maria, Jaka Seth, Peter and Freddy for being the best hosts.
See you next year Malmo.