Friday, June 29, 2007
I'm cool, your cool
The travelling swede has been at it again. This time at the recent "Go skateboarding day" in London. Check him here on the uber cool chilling site 'Streetbeers'.(Peace,love T-shirt and drunk expression now available in your local skateshop).
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
No news is still news?

Everyones out trying to get last bits for 'Wolfstadt'....ends to the ends and that. Mondon is however MIA in Glastonbury, last I heard he'd taken too many foghorn leghorns and was covered head to toe in dreadlock extensions.
Ahh well, the weak are easily led. Back at HQ, we are finalising wheel graphics as well playing about with the next realease of boards.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Danny Jack Report
Wolfstadt premiered in Malmo at the quicksilver bowlriders final. The premier went off, with various media heads lurking including sidewalk photographer; Silent Will(aka nosferatu) and a happy looking irish fella, Ciaran O'Connor. Hold tight for the U.K premiers to follow, where upon the wolf will be released from its cage.
P.S Look out for my weekly cooking tips and gourmet recipes, debut recipe coming next week from this skateboarding chef.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

News is pretty thin on the ground right now, as we are trying to finish the video, tighten all the screws and that. Sweden was amazing, I think Danny has a little journal of events to upload soon, until then here's a snippet from The Harmony show reel for the mighty WWF ( late 80's / early 90's of course ).
Ultimate Warrior VS Hulk Hogan, Summer slam 89.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Pirate love.

So we're back from Sweden, and the tester screening went super good. Crowd were wooing at the right bits etc.
Needs a lot finishing for the English premieres as we are going polish that shit good an proper. Bolland's part got some serious woopty woops, shame he was at home eating cakes of wax and sliding all four down streets.
Called Div a 'ginger twat' from the stands of Bowlriders too, which was indeed a highlight, as he scoured the faces in the crowds for a culprit. More photos from Malmo soon, but until then check this shit.
You know how we get down.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Litmus test.

All jibes aside, the video is kind of half there. People are still filming/re-filming/hurting themselves for it, so we have a working model for the tester screening at the Malmo Bowlriders.
So if your coming over and fancy a beer, then pop through, but don't expect the full epic, we're going over for beer and skating, those eternal brethrens.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Photographes are cool.

The sledge always tells it like it is, so here he is telling you get next months Doco, for a full Harmony Sardenia article. Shot by the hands of our roving reporter Alex Irvine.
Now thats two photographers mentioned, I'll go for a third nut rub. Portrait by Jim Walker.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Party like it's 1999

For any folk that will be attending Bowlriders in Malmo, there is to be the first Premiere/Test Screening of our new film 'Wolfstadt'. The reason for this is to simply test out a rough edit, so we can see what needs to go and what needs to stay.
For anyone who's edited a video, knows your mind plays tricks on you after a while, and you need a sense of clarity in order to see where you need to end up.
It was just to be Dave and me going to skate some good concrete , but now various team riders will be in attendance and Danny has promised some new dance moves for the afterparty.
UK premieres will be announced soon as we are back and the video wraps up. I know most of the team are still finishing their parts!
Friday, June 01, 2007
The piper.

I can see it wasn't all nights of listening to Radio 4 and talking about walks in the woods. Jak pays up good on a recent Prague filming trip with 'The Skulls'. A big crew went out there and gripped it and ripped it. Jak filmed like a whole part, the usual, anyway at least skateboarding is beautiful...

Our friends over at Ifive are playing host to the lovely boys from Plan B, over at Milton Keynes the morrow and in our neck of the woods at Saffron Walden on sunday to christen dreamlands magic untouched concrete.
Now just think if it was the original line up ( actually scratch Fabry )....I suppose Danny Way and Duffy can't be bad though.
Good luck Adam, don't get too stressed.